
We are slowly but surely seeing the launch of 5G commercial services in the US and in South Korea. It is arriving, and fast.

The expected fast connection speeds, ultra-low latency, and greater capacity offer huge opportunities for network operators, and great services for consumers and businesses.

But, just as is the case when any new technology is introduced, the opportunity brings with it associated risks. Some of these risks are well known and understood; such as those inherited from legacy network infrastructure. Others are entirely new, and must be grappled with.

If 5G deployments are to deliver on their potential, network operators must take steps to identify and mitigate these risks.

Operators, equipment manufacturers and businesses alike, will be faced with security challenges from the start. We have the opportunity to avoid repeating the mistakes of previous ‘generation’ launches.

What must be done – build security provisions in from the start. It will also start with the operators; they must ensure the security of 5G as early as possible.

Are you planning for 5G – Is security front and centre in your planning?

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