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My views on Net Promoter Score (NPS)

My views on Net Promoter Score (NPS)

  NPS can be a useful metric for measuring the performance of your contact centre agents, and the delivery team behind the scenes. For the most part, though, I see people leveraging NPS in vain. It gets applied incorrectly, out of context, and to make blanket and...
Remote work increases cyber security threats

Remote work increases cyber security threats

  Remote work boom threatens home users and business systems   Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the majority of users have to work from home. This has completely changed the cyber threat landscape: attackers have started opportunistically targeting home users...
CCNA revamp their brand for 2020 and beyond

CCNA revamp their brand for 2020 and beyond

CCNA continues brand revamp with the launch of their new website. Technology solutions provider, Converged Communication Network Applications (CCNA), have just launched their brand-new website. The site offers an improved user interface in a simple and...